
Photography Projects

  • 2010-2021: Cubestories (International)

  • 2021: Wavebreakers (Italy) - in progress

  • 2021: “The jump” (USA) - in preparation

Director (Documentaries)

  • 2003: Pachamama (Bolivia)

  • 2004: Es wird schon gehen (Perù)

  • 2006: Das bin Ich (Italy)

  • 2007: Afrikanische Wege (Kenya)

  • 2008: Das was du von mir nicht weisst (Italy)

  • 2011: Confalonieri (Australia)

Camera (Documentaries)

  • 1999: Keine will so hoch hinauf (Italy)

  • 2001: Die Wölfin und die Schlange (Ecuador)

Sound (Documentaries)

  • 2003: Ein Mensch unter Menschen (Brazil)

  • 2008: Wie zwei Schwestern (Rumania/Italy)


  • 2008-2021:

  • 2009-2021:

  • 2009-2021:

About me:

The picture above shows me 15 years ago. Don’t worry I look much better now!
Born in Salorno (Italy) lived in Antwerpen (Belgium) til 2020 and now back with small kids in Merano (Italy)

I have never been homesick in my life and never afraid to try the impossible up to extreme stubbornness.
I do enjoy quantum physics books and do pretend to strangers I understand what I read.
I love flemish humor and if you don’t make me laugh I will flat out ignore you.


you are not getting this one ;)